
Chief Boss Lady
Johanna, our CBL, is the designer behind Pink Nade and the visionary for the brand. She is a hustler, a multi-tasker, as busy as they come but a get shit done kinda gal. Also a mother of 5 children, runs Pink Nade alongside her retail store Pink Nade Boutique and is the graphic designer for her husbands sign writing business. She loves to dance, can always be found in control of the Bluetooth speaker or filling the juke box up with goldies so only her bangers are playing all night. She loves her Girl Gang HARD and is ALL about empowering women.

Chief Marketing Rockstar
Brittnee, or as she is often referred to, Bridget, is our CMR. She is a total rockstar with a camera, kills it with social media and keeps all the balls in the air. She created our bangin website and keeps it lookin fresh and filled to the brim with incredible earrings. She is a mother to 2 beautiful children (who enjoy visiting mum at work and trying oh so hard to scare us all as they sneak in) and is killing it as a full time working mother/women. She is always down for a dance (usually after a few pineapple cruisers) and is a super fun, no f*#@!s kinda gal.

Chief Earring Creator
Deanne, our CEC has been with us from the get go. Her fingers are as nimble as they are quick. She can peel, paint and whip up a pair of earrings in no time at all, at speeds that shock and awe Brit and I. She is a mother of 2 beautiful boys, the organiser of our Girl Gang always keeping us in line and on track. Just know, when you purchase from Pink Nade, this incredible local women is the one putting all her love and skill into making them to ROCK your lobes.

Chief Packing Queen
Sara, our CPQ is our newest staff member and is a beautiful ray of sunshine, a lovely light to enter the Pink Nade Girl Gang. She is new to our little country town but has fitted right in! She loves to go for walks, loves a good book and is a WHIZZ on the computer! She doubles as our in house graphic designer at times and is also Joels right hand gal at Loud Signs, our sign writing business. She packs up all your wonderful orders with love and care and gets them out to you all quick smart.